About us

Data.hetq.am is a supplement to Hetq data journalism. Launched in 2019, it seeks to make data from official and non-official sources available and reusable for the public at large.

An ever expanding amount of data makes it much more difficult for taxpayers to access a variety of data sources and to make sense of it all.

Most taxpayers would never think of opening the financial disclosure registry of officials. Nor would they take the time to download hundreds of PDF documents to ascertain the degree of transparency with which officials publish data regarding their assets. The time and effort it takes to review the financial declarations of government officials merely compounds the laxity of taxpayers to do the legwork required, thus preparing fertile land for unaccountable or semi-accountable governance.

Taxpayers need to know just how trustworthy their government representatives are when it comes to disclosing the scope and source of their finances.

Here is when data journalism comes to the fore, since one of its functions is to extract the data from documents, publish it, and make it available to the taxpayer.

Data.hetq.am will enable you to read the bios of National Assembly deputies, see the people they’re affiliated with, and get an overview of their assets via a few computer clicks. In addition, readers can easily download all the information in XLS format and independently review it.

Data.hetq.am has been created by the Investigative Journalists NGO.

Our team is:

  • Ani Hovhannisyan, Project Manager
  • Artak Kolyan, Programmer
  • Samson Martirosyan, Data Journalist
  • Garik Arzumanyan, designer
  • Edik Baghdasaryan, Editor-Consultant

The database was created with the support of the American people within the framework of the Media for Informed Participation of Citizens program funded by the US Agency for International Development. The project is implemented by the Media Initiatives Center in cooperation with the Eurasia Partnership Foundation. Responsibility for the content of the website is solely for the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of the USAID or the United States Government.