How to use

Each official has their profile at, with their biography, affiliate map, cash schedule, movable and immovable property, as well as information on securities, loans, real estate and income.

The main source of information on property and cash is the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials of the Republic of Armenia. When creating the Map of Affiliates, we have also used other sources.

At the top of the website's home page, there is a search box and classification filters. You can write the surname and name of the official you are interested in in the search box and go to their profile. If you are not interested in one person but in the trends of the MPs' property, use filters.

They will enable you to arrange the officials in terms of money, income, or affiliated individuals, on a yearly basis.

If you have accessed an official’s profile, you can get acquainted with their biography, official sources, see map of affiliates, schedule of annual cash flows, movable and immovable property, loans and real estate charts.

The Map of Affiliates consists of two columns. In the first column, there are people in direct connection with the official - husband/wife, sister/brother, children/parents. In the second column, there are people who have direct connection with the official’s family members – in-laws, grandchildren, godfather, co-resident, and so on.

There are several types of relationships - husband, co-resident, minor, child, sibling, a person registered at the same address and parent. The types can be distinguished by the color code shown above the map. Clicking on the name of the affiliate will show the type of the connection above the map. It is also possible to distinguish the type of the connection by the colors of the lines between them.

If you want to place a map of affiliated persons of some official on your website, click on the "Get the Code" button in the lower right corner, copy the code and paste it on any website.

The official's monetary possessions are presented in their profile through a table showing the trend of increasing or decreasing cash flows of different currencies during various years of office.

If you want to place a monetary possession table on your website, click "Get the Code" button in the bottom right corner, copy it and paste it on any website.

The real estate acquired or sold during the tax year shall include the type of the acquired or sold real estate during the year, the price and the currency. The real estate address is marked as "unknown" since the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials deletes that part of the declarations, considering it personal data.

Click on different dates to see the real estate acquired and sold in that year.

The same logic also applies to the movable property listed by the official.

The Securities and Other Investments section shows the investment type, currency, price and whether it was acquired or sold in the tax year.

The Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials publishes that the official has a share, but does not elaborate on the company's name, share size and other important information. The goal of filling in a declaration by a high-ranking official is to prevent conflicts of interest and make him accountable to the public. Hiding the names of companies deprives the taxpayer of the opportunity to control the official.

In the Income section, you can see how much income and currency in which the official has received it. It is also mentioned what the income was for - dividends, borrowings, lease or job.

Here, too, the Ethics Committee conceals the basic information. There is also another type of income, "other income", which is incomprehensible. The data and address of the payer are not published. If the address can be considered a personal data, the name of a payer is important to the public in terms of disclosing and preventing conflicts of interest in the political decisions made by an official.

In the Loans section, the amount of the deposit or loan taken by the official can be seen in different currencies. In this section, the Ethics Committee conceals the most important information - the debtor's data.

In the Real Estate section, you can see the expensive properties the official has purchased, on an annual basis, and the price of the property. It also shows if any property has been sold, and. if yes, at what price.

Hetq Publications

Officials do not always state their income sources and real estate. For years, Hetq has been investigating the wealthiest and most influential government officials, their offshore connections and business activities. At the bottom of each official's profile, you can find the links to Hetq's investigations.